
The Ketchup and Diabetes Experiment | DiabetesMine - reuterwroke1951

We thought information technology would just be kind of incorrectly to mop up Butt against — National Nutrition Month — without reflective upon a beloved condiment that many of us give the sack't live without: Cetchup.

If you Google "ketchup" in the linguistic context of blood sugars, you'll see all kinds of results that vilify this condiment as the worst possible choice for people with diabetes — to the strain of "Worst Foods for Diabetics," "10 Sick Foods to Annul," and "10 Bad Foods for Diabetes." Yikes! Luckily, we do it ketchup isn't really proscribed and we stool manage IT honorable finely (like salad dressings, etc.), with a little planning.

No one in our Diabetes Online Community shows more PDA (public display of affection) for ketchup than our North Star State friend Scott Johnson, who's been living with type 1 for Sir Thomas More than three decades, blogs at Walter Scott's Diabetes, and kit and boodle for diabetes app company mySugr. Scott is non quiet about his love for every things Diet C, barbecued cheese and catsup. And he certainly has his druthers connected how this beloved condiment should atomic number 4 served.

Curious to know the real stoc sugar effects, Dred Scott recently took on The Dandy Ketchup Experiment — adding to our possess similar experiments with coffeeand beer. Now, hither's what Walter Scott found unsuccessful:

Do you carb-count your ketchup? Oregon Carb counting your ketchup? (or something on those lines?)

Ahhhh… Carbohydrates and condiments. The words roll off my tongue like they lie together. The soothing mix of chilled ketchup with calorifacient European country fries Beaver State the edge of a perfectly crisp yet gooey grilled high mallow sandwich is enough to make my mouth weewe just thinking about it.

But any advert of mouth-watering and diabetes usually means there's math involved – and perchance even some insulin, depending on the amount. And when we're talking astir ketchup and Scott Johnson, the sum is usually significant.

And I new realized that even though I understand there are carbohydrates in ketchup, I've never actually included them in my meal calculations. This should cost an issue for me, but I've ne'er noticed before. How can that be?

Atomic number 102. Wait. You're non feeling me…

Before we a-ok much further, I wishing to bring you a bit deeper into my catsup world so you butt better understand why this recognition tally Pine Tree State thusly hard.

  • For Maine, ketchup is as such a part of the repast undergo as the nutrient itself.
  • If I attend a fast food place, and the ketchup pump is empty or broken, I might entrust. It's plenty to ruin my visit. C'mon, is information technology genuinely that hard to keep up your ketchup crippled on point?
  • I have temperature preferences. Cold ketchup is better than warm catsup, but warm catsup is bettor than no catsup. However, I wouldn't prefer chilled packets over a board-temperature nursing bottle (the pain-in-the-ass factor outweighs the temperature preference).
  • When out to eat with people, a partly-loaded ketchup bottle makes me nervous. Even before order I start eyeballing empty tables nearby for backup bottles just in case we run out.
  • I cause ketchup ratios for some things. 1 McDonald's haschisc Robert Brown = 1 paper tomato ketchup cup. 1 culture medium McDonald's fries = 3 paper cetchup cups (if they're REALLY hot, maybe 4 cups). Burger King fries need more ketchup, 4 cups sure.
  • I don't do ram down-through fries or grilled cheese because… how do you ketchup?

I could go on and on… you get the idea. This cetchup stuff is serious lin for me.


Unregenerate to figure this out, I started breaking things down, doing my have research and answering some questions.

How many grams of carbohydrates are in unitary serving of ketchup? And hey, just what is one serving of ketchup?

One and only serving of Heinz 57 is 1 tablespoon (17g) and has 5 grams of carbohydrates.

How much ketchup does a typical scurrying food paper catsup cup keep down?

The samples from a near McDonalds hold about 2 tablespoons (note: I did non measure by weight), which is 10 grams of carbohydrates. Yikes! I've treated lows with less than that… And think of information technology another fashio, three of those accept as many carbs as a sandwich!

You know those restaurants where they Don't have ketchup out for you, but alternatively bring it in a lacelike ramekin? How a great deal is in one of those?

According to my sources, a typical ramekin can hold over 5-6 tablespoons of ketchup. That's a big 25-30 grams of carbs! Each!

What just about take-verboten packets?

It's deceptively hard to notic out how much ketchup is in each of those packets! Thusly I called Heinz client service. I couldn't help but simper when I got the typical "we are experiencing heavy call volumes…" recording and had to wait for a representative (I guess I wasn't the only one with burning questions about ketchup).

Heinz told ME that each packet boat has 9 grams of ketchup in it. You mightiness remember that unitary helping of Heinz is 1 tablespoonful, or 17 grams, and has 5 grams of carbohydrates. So that means that 1 mailboat is just over half a service and has 2.647058823 grams of carbohydrates. Approximately.

Those are the cetchup basics, straight from the dispenser. But in the context of diabetes, does it all really matter?

That's where my experiments seed into play.


Militarised with the in a higher place information I tried to do some experiments.

The inaugural few tries didn't work as asymptomatic A I hoped. I needed to do much tests to confirm/deny what I was visual perception, but after three rounds of ketchup shots I couldn't stomach the idea anymore. I guess mom was wrong – I would NOT drink ketchup from a straw if I could!

For each of these experiments I was fasting and hadn't taken whatever correction insulin for more than four hours. I did a blood kale check, slammed two measured tablespoons of ketchup, then patterned my blood sugar every 10 minutes for the next hour and a half.

Day 1 (March 5 graph)

A mild-mannered rise and a mild return right to where I started.

Twenty-four hour period 2 (Parade 6 chart)

Spikey, spikey! But look at that, right back to where I started again.

Day 3 (March 7 graph)

This one looks like what I'd expect. But since I was humbled to get with, my body could take over been reacting to the epinephrine, etc. Either that or in DIRE circumstances we've learned that you ass slam whatsoever ketchup if there's nothing other around (delight don't do this except in utmost emergency brake — taste to use fast-acting glucose if you're low).

Doing these experiments raised SO Many a questions for Pine Tree State, including:

  • Would consuming more ketchup help me see something new? Or would it just gross me out and confuse me more?
  • Would there glucinium a noticeable BG remainder betwixt a grilled cheese with catsup vs. uncomparable without? (probably yes?)
  • If I'm under-counting my french kid carbs by THIRTY GRAMS (!!) why haven't I noticed before?
  • Are things that swampy with my diabetes?
  • Or is information technology more probable that the high-fat fries drag everything out soooo hanker that other variables are covering upward the trouble?
  • If so, are ALL the foods I eat with cetchup high-fat (and, consequently, slow)? Yea, it seems then!

Bottom line is that I need to answer more enquiry on this. But I'm also totally done with eating ketchup all by itself. It's one of those things that wish always want companionship in my mouth. Grim to let you down.

I'm really funny to bed how YOU handle ketchup? Do you carb-count down for it? OR only if it's a lot? Do you notice IT one way or other? Or…?

Leave a comment and fill me in!

Thanks for working this ketchup take for U.S.A all, Scott! Definitely eye-opening, and we expression progressive to earshot what others in the DOC rich person to pronounce about carbs and condiments, too.


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